Faith, Family, and Flip Flops

Faith, Family, and Flip Flops

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thoughts by margorie Hinckley

"It's a valuable exercise to close your eyes every once and a while and think, "what is the most wonderful moment I have lived through during the past year?" It might be part of a grand event or a simple moment, perhaps a breif interaction with another person. The grand or the simple, it doesn't matter. Just the remembering will lift the sprirts, and warm feelings will fill your soul."

Summer is finally here!!

We have been swimming like fish! Our pool opened one week early it has been awesome! I am so glad to have good weather, 2007/2008 winter was especially long. We wish all of our friends Happy Warm Days!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lisa Gale

Lisa came to live with us in 2006, she is such a blessing to have in our home, she teaches us so much! Lisa is always happy and she always trys to help out around the house. she love karate and kitty cats, she also love her family and spending time with them

"The Preston Academy" our Home Sweet Homeschool

This year has been quite a journey of learning not just academics but about each other. This was my first year homeschooling, what an experience! We have had such good times, and I will be honest rocky moments too, but such is life, anything worth doing takes time and hard work! The work is so sweet though, it has been a wonderful year of learning about each other and watching my girls grow and realize their potential. I get to see the lights of understanding and love of learning shine bright in their eyes. They get to be with their mother and follow her example( heavy responsibly for me, but I will try my best to live up to being a righteous daughter of our Heavenly Father because that is my greatest hope for them). I recently read Little Women for the second time in my life, this second time around was so rich with wisdom I guess because I am a mother. Marmee gives jo some words of wisdom, what she saids explains exactly how I feel about my girls, (Marmee) " Your father, Jo. He never loses patients-never doubts or complains-but always hopes, and works, and waits so cheerfully that one is ashamed to do other wise before him. He helped and comforted me, and showed me that I must try to practice all the virtues I would have my little girls possess, for I was their example. It was easier to try for your sakes than for my own; a startled or surprised look from one of you, when I spoke sharply, rebuked me more than any words could have done; and the love respect and confidence of my children was the sweetest reward I could receive for my efforts to be the woman I would have them copy.....( Marmee later states)" If I don't seem to need help it is because I have a better friend, even than father, to comfort and sustain me. My child, the troubles and temptations of your life are beginning, and may be many; but you can overcome and outlive them all if you learn and feel the strength and tenderness of your Heavenly Father as you do that of your earthly one. The more you love and trust Him, nearer you will feel to Him, and the less you will depend on human power and wisdom. His love and care never tire or change, can never be taken from you, but may become the source of lifelong peace, happiness, and strength. Believe this heartily, and go to God with all your little cares, and hopes, and sins, and sorrows, as freely and confidingly as you come to your mother". I am so honored and happy to be Savannah and Shiloh's mom, and to be blessed to spend so much time with them, they really are amazing kids; and amazing enough they don't really ever tire of having me around either. We are excited to start summer school and I am gearing up for next year! This second time around I feel much more equipped to roll up my sleeves and "put my shoulder to the wheel". I know I couldn't have done what I have without the unfailing support of Jason! He really is an amazing husband he supports me in all aspects of my life and any decisions I make. I love him very much!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Shiloh, is our little comedian. She is just sweet as pie.
Shiloh is 5 years old turning six this July.
Her favorite activities are:
Playing dolls
Being a pirate
Playing swords
Snuggling with mom and dad
Until last week she loved princesses and barbies, but now they are to girlie for her
Helping mom cook
Visiting her church teachers
Playing underwear girl
Joking about anything crude
Playing with big sis.

Shiloh is a very affectionate and imaginative you
ng girl. We love having her in our home she keeps a smile on our face and always is ready to give a great one liner from Napolean Dynamite or Nacho Libre.


Savannah is eight years old, she is just as fun as can be.
Savannah is a bit of a tom boy, her favorite activities are:
Cycling (with mom & dad)
Hiking (she hiked timp to emerald lake last summer, this summer she wants to summit)
Playing with her pocket knife
Playing with her sister

The other day she wanted to get all dressed up for Karie's baby shower, she found a pretty dress, did her hair, and put on her prettiest shoes. Then she got her pocket knife and strapped it to her dress.

Savannah has a strong sense of right and wrong and loves to choose the right.
She is one of the most loving and caring sisters I have ever seen. Shiloh is her best friend.